The educational imperative is continually changing with time, and the recent surge of eLearning solutions has opened minds to the adoption of learning technology. The edtech market is expected to reach $375 billion by 2026, underscoring the potential market volume for selling your eLearning solutions. The reason for industry growth is the power of eLearning, which can teach complex concepts quicker and shorten the learning curve. There is no doubt that eLearning is the future, and in the near future, will replace traditional learning. Naturally, eLearning promotion is something that learning solution providers must seriously consider. 

Digital marketing is the most affordable method to generate leads for eLearning businesses. Here are five tips to consider for promoting your eLearning programs. 

Identify the Audience

The first step in any type of marketing is to create a buyer persona, and this rule applies to promoting eLearning programs as well. To attract a specific audience for your eLearning business, we first need to know who they are. Your audience’s education level and professional background are the most important aspects to provide specific marketing content. Knowing their age group is also important to comprehend their adoption level and understanding.  

This type of information can be collected by conducting surveys, interviews, and focus groups. With this information, you’ll be able to judge the abilities, interests, and needs of the audience. Then you can present your solution to the audience by telling them you hold the solution to their problem!

Setting Goals to Promote eLearning Programs

In any type of business, effective goal setting is always important for success. In eLearning, focusing on setting the right goals is especially important. 

To achieve success and measure your results, it’s important to understand the difference between types of goals and choose the most appropriate ones. Identifying your goals from the start can help develop your solutions and structure them accordingly.  

The SMART (Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Realistic, Timely) goal setting process brings structure and traceability for measuring your business objectives. Your goal setting process should be according SMART rules: 

  • Specific: Define clear objectives for your marketing campaign.  
  • Measurable: Your goals should always be measurable so you can continuously monitor progress.    
  • Achievable: Set achievable objectives by considering proper R&D so that you are not frustrated by a lack of progress.  
  • Realistic: Adopt realistic objectives which are in sync with business goals.
  • Timely: Everyone knows the importance of time, so make a tentative plan for everything you do. This drives motivation.

SMART goal setting clarifies your ideas, focuses your efforts, and utilizes your time and resources productively to boost achievements.   

Adopt Storytelling 

Storytelling is the art of selling your solution by addressing the needs of your audience and focusing on the human side of a business. As it is said,

“What helps people, helps business.” – Leo Burnett

Good stories engage and capture attention better, as telling stories instead of listing the facts of your solution situates the audience in a scenario where they will focus more on the importance of your solution for them. Adopting good storytelling methods opens the audience’s mind and helps convince them of your solution. Storytelling is one of the best tools to adopt when choosing email marketing and approaching your potential customers. 

What differentiates you from others? This is a point where you will get most of your business. Present your “competitive advantage” against the standard of your potential competitors in the market. At this point, you will need to implement storytelling, especially when you think you are really unique in the market.

Stay Motivated and Inspired

Creativity is the main key to success for marketing, which is why it is essential to keep implementing new changes to the marketing campaign. Each iteration of A/B testing and strategy will bring a new set of data and lessons to be learned — the goal is not to find the “perfect” solution. The goal is, simply, to optimize your digital marketing, understand that different campaign types will see success with different strategies, and continue to evolve your strategy in order to avoid stagnation. 

“Business opportunities are like buses, there’s always another one coming.” – Richard Branson

It is said, “Everything you want is on the other side of fear.” Without failure, it is not possible to learn and understand what success really looks like.  Success is only possible when we stay motivated during the struggle and see the discovery process for what it is: a learning opportunity.   The brands that stand the test of time understand the importance of continuously reevaluating their strategies and seeing each new campaign as an opportunity to get to know their existing customers and potential new customers better.

Digital Marketing Plan for eLearning: Content Marketing & Paid Advertisement 

The famous quote “Content is king” emphasizes the importance of producing SEO-friendly content for your website, which can drive organic traffic to your site. Getting your website to the top of Google searches is possible by targeting highly-searched keywords and producing fresh content to target recent developments. You should develop your marketing content by keeping in mind the pain points of learners, which will help them see the value in your eLearning solution. Using content for marketing purposes is an organic-feeling form of marketing where you can sell your business without looking like a marketer. 

 “The best marketing doesn’t feel like marketing.” – Tom Fishburne

Publishing highly shareable content on your website is the best way to spread your message to attract a large new audience.

A key goal of any business is to generate leads. Choosing paid advertisements as a marketing strategy always produces great leads when you develop different campaigns with shorter budgets and track their progress to learn which campaign produces the most leads. Tracking provides an opportunity to tweak your approach accordingly, as you can see the immediate results of your efforts. Investing more time in developing creative campaigns can help boost the learner’s awareness. Facebook Ads, Google AdWords, and LinkedIn Ads are the most important to include in your marketing strategy. When launching any paid campaign, you need to include a call-to-action button where you can land your audience at an information-rich page and ask them to sign up for a free consultation. 

Final Words 

Being part of the eLearning business means you are in a big market which is continuously attracting new innovation and creative solutions. As of now, everything in the world is happening online, and eLearning is one of the leading industries to build a business. Furthermore, you can assist thousands of learners around the world in attaining their educational goals.